




  • ・Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening? What measures can be taken to tackle this problem?
  • ・Crime is a problem all over the world and there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • ・Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  • ・Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world. What are the reasons for this? What solutions can be suggested?
  • ・The most common solution for criminal behaviour is prison but many believe education is a better method. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





Worldwide some 200 000 homicides occur among youth 10–29 years of age each year, which is 42% of the total number of homicides globally each year.
Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/youth-violence



Rates of criminal recidivism around the world are reported to be as high as 50% and have not declined in recent years. It is challenging to compare recidivism between countries because definitions of recidivism outcomes vary from re-arrest to reoffending to reimprisonment.
Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/recidivism-rates-by-country



In 2000, only 32 percent of U.S. prisoners completed high school, while 87 percent of the U.S. adult population between age 25 and 64 did so. Similarly, in 2001, only 56 percent of offenders in Canadian provinces completed high school education, while the corresponding rate for those of similar age was about 80 percent.
Source: https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/economics-of-crime/0/steps/20289


Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/youth-violence

若者による犯罪のリスク因子は大きく分けて、「個人(individual)」「緊密な関係の人(close relationships)」「コミュニティ・社会(community and wider society)」に分けられます。以下にあげるリストは WHO(World Health Organization) があげているリスク因子ですが、犯罪が増えている(減っていない)原因を問われる問題を考える上でとても役立ちます。



  • ・attention deficit, hyperactivity, conduct disorder, or other behavioural disorders(注意欠如、多動、行動障害)
  • ・early involvement with alcohol, drugs and tobacco(早期からのアルコール・薬物・タバコへの関与)
  • ・low intelligence and educational achievement(知能の低さ、低学歴)
  • ・low commitment to school and school failure(学業への取り組みの低下、落第)
  • ・involvement in crime(犯罪への関与)
  • ・unemployment(失業)
  • ・exposure to violence in the family(家庭内暴力)
  • Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/youth-violence

緊密な関係の人(close relationships)


  • ・poor monitoring and supervision of children by parents(親の監視が不十分)
  • ・harsh, lax or inconsistent parental disciplinary practices(親のしつけが厳しすぎる、緩すぎる、一貫性がない)
  • ・a low level of attachment between parents and children(親子間の愛情が少ない)
  • ・low parental involvement in children's activities(子どもの活動に対する親の関与が低い)
  • ・parental substance abuse or criminality(親の薬物使用や犯罪行為)
  • ・parental depression(親のふさぎ込み)
  • ・low family income(低い家族収入)
  • ・unemployment in the family(失業)
  • ・associating with delinquent peers and/or gang membership(非行仲間との関係)
  • Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/youth-violence

コミュニティ・社会(community and wider society)


  • ・access to and misuse of alcohol(アルコールへの関与)
  • ・access to and misuse of firearms(武器への関与)
  • ・gangs and a local supply of illicit drugs(ギャング・薬物への関与)
  • ・high income inequality(収入格差)
  • ・poverty(貧困)
  • ・the quality of a country’s governance(国による統治の質)
  • Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/youth-violence







Increasing the severity of punishment does little to deter crime. Laws and policies designed to deter crime by focusing mainly on increasing the severity of punishment are ineffective partly because criminals know little about the sanctions for specific crimes. More severe punishments do not “chasten” individuals convicted of crimes, and prisons may exacerbate recidivism.
Source: https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf



Prisons are good for punishing criminals and keeping them off the street, but prison sentences (particularly long sentences) are unlikely to deter future crime. Prisons actually may have the opposite effect: Persons who are incarcerated learn more effective crime strategies from each other, and time spent in prison may desensitize many to the threat of future imprisonment.
Source: https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/five-things-about-deterrence



  • ❶ preventative education(犯罪を予防するための教育)
  • ❷ rehabilitative education(犯罪者を更生させるための教育)

犯罪に関する教育は、大きく上記のような2つに分けることができます。一般市民が犯罪を犯さないようにするための「preventative education(犯罪を予防するための教育)」には、「学校での教育(school education)」や「(政府による)一般市民への教育(public education)」が含まれます。犯罪者が出所後に再犯を犯さないようにするための「rehabilitative education(犯罪者を更生させるための教育)」には「刑事司法制度における教育(education in the criminal system)」を指します。


教育に力を入れることがなぜ犯罪防止につながるのでしょうか?前述の通り、犯罪者の多くは高等教育を終了していません。少なくとも高校を卒業する程度の教育を受けさせることで、一定の職業に就いて、一定の収入を得ることに繋がります。その結果、金銭に困って犯すような犯罪が減るとともに、その職業や収入を棒に振ってまで法を犯すリスクのほうが大きくなるという考えです。これをopportunity costと呼びます。

Economists point to two possible mechanisms by which education reduces crime. First, more educational attainment leads to higher earnings on average and thus increases the opportunity cost of crime. (If I am already doing well from a legitimate job, why risk going to prison and losing this job?) Second, education may affect individuals’ personality traits associated with crime. Students may become more disciplined, patient, moral, and risk-averse over the years of formal schooling.
Source: https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/economics-of-crime/0/steps/20289


WHO では、若者の犯罪に対して以下のような予防策をあげています。こちらもぜひ参考にしてみましょう。

  • ・life skills and social development programmes designed to help children and adolescents manage anger, resolve conflict, and develop the necessary social skills to solve problems
  • ・whole school approaches to violence prevention in educational facilities
  • ・programmes that support parents and teach positive parenting skills
  • ・preschool programmes that provide children with academic and social skills at an early age
  • ・therapeutic approaches for youths at high risk of being involved in violence
  • ・reducing access to alcohol
  • ・interventions to reduce the harmful use of drugs
  • ・restrictive firearm licensing
  • ・community and problem-oriented policing
  • ・interventions to reduce concentrated poverty and to upgrade urban environments
  • Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/youth-violence




commit a crime犯罪を犯すUneducated people are more likely to commit crimes.
criminal犯罪の、犯罪者Sending criminals to prison is not the most effective way to deal with them.
offender犯罪者First-time offenders are less likely to receive jail time.
illegal非合法のCybersecurity should be improved to reduce illegal activity on the Internet.
poverty貧困Some people believe that poverty is the mother of crime.
prevention防止Prevention of crime requires the police to work together with the local community.
punish〜を罰するPrisons punish criminals by depriving them of their freedom.
fine罰金Fines for littering should be increased.
victim犠牲者Female police officers are often better at listening to female victims of crime.



deter思いとどまらさせるIncreasing prison time could deter people from committing crimes.
education(al) attainment学歴It is often claimed that higher education attainment will lead to reduced tendency for criminal activity.
rehabilitate〜を更生させるSome people believe that education is the best way to rehabilitate criminals.
vandalism(意図的な)破壊行為Graffiti is a common form of vandalism in many cities.
wrongdoing悪事Many criminals repent of their wrongdoing while serving prison time.
delinquency非行There is a strong link between youth delinquency and family background.
misbehaviour不正行為Local governments should work together to fight social misbehaviour.
misdeed悪行、不正行為The criminal committed his misdeed while he was drunk.
abide by ...(規則などに)従うCitizens are expected to abide by the laws of their country.
imprison〜を投獄するMany people believe that suspects should not be imprisoned without trial.
juvenile若者のPoorer communities tend to have higher rates of juvenile crime.
legitimate合法的なAn increase in illegal online activity is hurting legitimate businesses.
perpetrate犯すStolen personal details can be used to perpetrate crimes such as fraud.
capital punishment最高刑Recently, an increasing number of countries have abolished capital punishment.
infringement侵害Some publishers are suffering to survive as a result of copyright infringement.



recidivism再犯Whereas the number of first-time offenders declined last year, rates of recidivism actually increased.
incapacitate〜から能力を奪う、〜をできなくさせるIncapacitating a criminal removes the opportunity for the individual to carry out further crime.
incarcerate〜を投獄するCriminals charged for violent crime should be incarcerated to protect the public.
transgression犯罪The amount of prison time received depends on the severity of the criminal’s transgression.
copycat模倣犯Portrayal of violence on TV shows and movies can encourage copycat crimes.
misdemeanor軽犯罪The shoplifter was arrested for his misdemeanor.
intoxicated酔っ払ったDriving while intoxicated can lead to fatal accidents.
reprimand〜を懲戒するThe politician was reprimanded for corruption.
counterfeit偽造のAnyone who finds counterfeit money should immediately report to the police.






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