与えられた意見(opinion)や記述(statement)に対して「どの程度、賛成または反対であるか」を答える問題です。最もよく出題される問題タイプの1つです。「to what extent」は「どの程度」という意味です。答え方として、「100%賛成」あるいは「100%反対」ような回答以外にも、例えば「この部分には賛成だがこの部分には反対である」あるいは「このような場合には賛成だがこのような場合には反対である」のような答え方も考えられます。「to what extent」の部分がなく、単に「Do you agree or disagree?」と聞かれる場合もあります。
Many people believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
「To what extent do you agree or disagree?」の問題に対して、「賛成(または反対)」のどちらかのポジションだけを論じる方法です。この方法は、1つのポジションに集中して議論を展開するため、首尾一貫性を保ちやすいのが特徴です。この方法では、対立意見(自分のポジションとは反対側の意見)については論じません。
Many people believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
賛成の立場で議論をする場合、トピック(議論の方向性)は、「countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible(国々は全人口の食料を生産し、できるだけ少ない食料を輸入すべきである)」となります。このトピックに対して、例えばボディ1で「it is important for food security(食料安全保障に重要である)」という理由を、ボディ2で「it is environmentally friendly(環境にやさしい)」という理由を挙げることにしましょう。
Countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible because it is important for food security.
Another reason is that it is environmentally friendly.
Many people believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
賛成の立場のトピック(議論の方向性)は、「countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible(国々は全人口の食料を生産し、できるだけ少ない食料を輸入すべきである)」でした。対立意見のトピックはその反対、すなわち「countries need not produce food for the whole population and can import it if necessary(国々は全人口の食料を生産する必要はなく、必要なものは輸入すればよい)」などとなります。
このトピックに対して、例えばボディ1で「it is more efficient to import food from other countries(他国から食料を輸入する方が効率的である)」という理由を、ボディ2で「it is important for food security(食料安全保障に重要である)」という理由を挙げることにしましょう。先ほどと同様に、タスクの言葉をそのまま使うことを避けながらトピックセンテンスを作成してみましょう。
Some people may argue that countries need not produce food for the whole population and import it if necessary because this strategy is more efficient.
However, I believe that nations should focus on self-sufficiency in food production and reduce reliance on imports because this is essential for food security.
Many people believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
先ほどは、対立意見として紹介しましたので、「Some people may argue that ...(中にはそのような意見の人もいる)」という表現を使いましたが、今回は自分の意見の一部として紹介しますので、「It is true that ...(〜なのは確かである)」というような表現を使います。
It is true that countries need not produce food for the whole population and import it if necessary because there are economic and practical advantages to this strategy.
However, I believe that nations should focus on self-sufficiency in food production and reduce reliance on imports because this is essential for food security.
Many people believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
For crops that are unsuited to their climate or terrain, countries should rely on imports because domestic production can be both inefficient and expensive.
However, for others products, nations should focus on self-sufficiency in food production and reduce reliance on imports because this is essential for food security.
Many people believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
与えられた2つの意見(opinion)または記述(statement)に対して「それぞれの意見の対する考察をした上で、自分の立場を示す」ことが求められている問題です。「To what extent do you agree or disagree?」と並んで最もよく出題される問題タイプの1つです。
「To what extent do you agree or disagree?」とは異なり、与えられた2つの意見についてそれぞれ考察をした上で、最終的な自分の意見を述べることが求められています。ワンサイドの議論はできません。回答が不十分だとスコア(Task
Some people prefer to watch movies at the cinema, while others like watching movies at home as
home theatres become more popular. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
「Discuss both views and give your own opinion.」の問題に対する答え方をみてみましょう。前述の通り、与えられている2つの意見について両サイドの議論にする必要があります。両サイドを議論する方法は、「1. To what extent do you agree or disagree? の答え方」で解説したように、「他人の意見として紹介する方法」、「譲歩をする方法」、「例外や場合分けを示す方法」が考えられます。
Discuss both views ...の構成パターン
両サイドを議論する方法(1) - 他者の意見
両サイドを議論する方法(2) - 譲歩
両サイドを議論する方法(3) - 例外・場合分け
両サイドを議論する方法(4) - 客観的比較
構成パターン1: 両サイドを議論する方法(1) - 他者の意見
「To what extent do you agree or disagree?」の「構成パターン2」に準じて考えます。ボディ1に対立意見(自分のポジションとは反対側の意見)を「他人の意見」として紹介しつつ、ボディ2で自分のポジションを展開する方法です。
Some people may argue that watching movies in the comfort of one's home is preferable to going to the theater because it is more comfortable and convenient.
すでに紹介したように、エッセイの構成方法はいくつかあり、「Agree/Disagree の構成パターン」の「5. 両サイドを議論する方法(4) - 客観的比較」や、「Discuss both views and give your own opinion. の構成パターン」の「構成パターン4: 両サイドを議論する方法(4) - 客観的比較」のように、イントロダクションで自分のポジションを示さずに展開を進める方法もあります。
このように、首尾一貫性やつながり(Coherence and Cohesion)の観点から見ると、イントロダクションでポジションを示すほうが有利と言えます。ただ、事前にエッセイ全体の流れを決めておく必要があるので入念なプランニングが必要になります。目標スコアが6.0までであればどちらでも問題ありませんが、目標スコアが6.5以上であればイントロダクションでポジションを示してしまうほうが有利になります。
「To what extent do you agree or
disagree?」では、意見または記述が1つしか与えられていませんので、多くの場合に「譲歩」という手法が成立します。一方、「Discuss both views and give your own
問題タイプ3A:What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
問題タイプ3B:Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
3A. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
The worldwide population of children aged 15 and younger is rising. What are the current and future advantages and disadvantages for countries with this kind of growth?
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages to トピック. A major disadvantage is メインアイデア
The main advantage of the increasing global population of children aged 15 and younger is that it may contribute to a larger workforce in the coming years.
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages to the rise in the number of children under 15 worldwide. A major disadvantage is that it could put a strain on social welfare systems.
3B. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
In many countries, it is easy to apply and to get a credit card. However, credit card debt causes many problems and is hard to pay back. Do you think the advantages of credit cards outweigh the disadvantages?
and Cohesionのバンドスコアに影響を与える可能性があります。
Some people argue ...のような他者の意見を紹介してもいい?
形式が問題タイプ2(Discuss both views ...)と似ているので、他者の意見を紹介する書き方(Some people argue ...)に当てはめてしまいがちですが、このタスクで求められているのは利点と欠点の比較であり、他者の意見と自分の意見の比較ではありません。他者の意見、すなわち自分と対立する意見を導入するためには、ボディ1とボディ2で全く逆のことをしなければならず、エッセイの整合性を取りづらくなるからです。
An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own
poorer countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What
solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation?ぃ>
The main cause of トピック is メインアイデア. In order to solve this, メインアイデア
Another cause is メインアイデア. To tackle this, メインアイデア
The main cause of the increasing number of overweight people is a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. In order to solve this, people should exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet.
Another cause is a lack of awareness about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. To tackle this, the government should promote public health campaigns.
Weddings are more expensive in many countries nowadays when compared to the past. What is the reason behind this? Is this a positive or negative development?
Weddings becoming more costly in various nations is a positive development because it reflects the importance of marriage and the desire to celebrate it in a special way.
In addition, hosting an elaborate wedding strengthens family bonds and social networks, ensuring that cultural traditions are passed down through generations.
Some people may argue that ... is a negative development because ...
However, I believe that ... is a positive development because ...
Some people may argue that weddings becoming more expensive in many countries nowadays is a positive development because it reflects the importance of marriage and the desire to celebrate it in a special way.
However, I believe that the rising cost of weddings in many countries is a concerning trend because it places a significant financial burden on couples and their families.
Nowadays, many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or
organisation. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being
Economic progress is often used to measure a country's success. However, some people believe
that other factors are more important. What other factors should also be considered when
measuring a country's success? Do you think one factor is more important than